If You Are Having Trouble With Mice In Your Kitchen, Rats In Your Bin Area Or Squirrels In Your Attic, We Can Help!
Mice & Rats
Mice and rats can enter and damage properties in their search for food, the most common areas found are kitchens and food storage areas. Once they have found a consistent food source, they can nest and reproduce rapidly.
Finding house mice or rats can be very distressing, and for good reason. Not only for the disease concerns but also with their constant gnawing through things such as insulation, walls, floorboards, pipes and even doors to enter areas and to collect material to build their nests.
Squirrels can find their way into homes in their search for nests. The most common areas being attics and wall voids.
Most do not consider squirrels as pests but once they have nested in an attic they can be very troublesome causing all kinds of issues including damaging electrical wiring, contaminating water tanks and gnawing through insulation, woodwork and ceilings.
If you are experiencing problems with flying pests such as Moths, Fly's or Wasp & Hornet nests we can help!
We provide quick and effective pest control solutions for most types of flying insects
Wasps & Hornets
Nests are usually found in sheltered areas with access to the outside such as lofts, roofs, wall cavities and garages/sheds.
To get rid of a nest you do not need to physically remove it, instead by applying the correct treatment inside and around the entrance or completely covering the nest if it is exposed will take immediate effect and can resolve the issue within 48 Hours!
We can also return after 48 Hours if you would like the nest removed, but this is not necessary as a destroyed nest will not be reused by other Wasps or Hornets
We provide safe and effective solutions for all types of moth infestations, using our monitoring equipment and specialised targeting insecticide we are able to clear moth problems quickly and can also give advice to help keep them at bay!
We provide treatment for all kinds of crawling insects including..
For more info about our crawling insect treatments, Please complete our equiry form below!
Foxes can cause all sorts of issues if their daily routes pass through your garden or if they are regularly finding a food sorce nearby
For more info on our fox prevention and treatment plans, Please complete our enquiry form below!
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